Do you need help with an assignment or a class? There is no need to struggle alone when you can take advantage of free tutoring and academic coaching services on every campus.
Online or on-campus tutoring appointments are free for GTC students.
Check out the list of courses for which tutoring is available.
The college provides online tutoring from Brainfuse to support students who need additional assistance in a course. Brainfuse helps students by connecting them with qualified eTutors, anytime, anywhere.
Our academic coaches can help you evaluate your study skills, identify your challenges, and develop strategies and skills for academic and personal success.
Find the tutoring option that works for you. Click the links below to learn more.
Subject tutors help with chemistry, history, psychology, engineering technology, nursing, web design and more!
Math tutors help students work through textbook problems, use math software (except test mode), and use calculators. Tutors hold weekly math review workshops for MAT 109, MAT 110, and MAT 120.
Writing tutors mostly help students with English, college skills, and public speaking, but they can help students with any written assignment for any course. Services include paper review, help with brainstorming, grammar review, speech preparation, and more.
Physical Sciences Tutoring
The Physical Sciences department offers tutoring on Barton for Chemistry, Physics and Geology in the Prisma Health Center, Building 101.
Conceptual Physics
Contact: Wes Adams, Department Head